Intelius and FAQs

What is Intelius?

Intelius, Inc. is a company that collects and maintains public records, used to generate reports upon user request. It is located in Seattle, Washington. Customers use Intelius for all kinds of information services, including search about people and real estate, phone number look up and background checks for private customers and businesses. Clients can find information about owners based on property address. Intelius is very useful for tracking services and fraud detection. It can easily identify a person of interest and help you find as much information as possible anonymously, which is very important in today’s world when so many activities are hard to track and can easily be suspicious and malicious, including those unwanted phone calls.

What kinds of memberships are offered by Intelius?

Intelius Premier is a paid membership subscription service where you will get unlimited search that can be done based on name, phone number, email address, or physical address. The results are sent to you and are displayed in a file format, making it easy to use and save.

Another paid service is Criminal Checks, which is also unlimited and now comes with 50% off discount.

To subscribe you can visit Premier page on and sign up for a trial membership with a report purchase. You can also do that by accepting an offer that will come after purchasing the report.

Is there a monthly subscription service?

Yes, the monthly subscription service is called Intelius Premier, with the help of which you can conduct unlimited searches and view reports. This service requires membership commitment, but gives you the most accurate results that are yours to keep.

What is the best way to view the reports?

Once you purchase your first report, you will get it sent to your computer. All the found information is written concisely on one page and separated by sections, enabling you to scroll down and clearly understand the findings. If you want to access a particular section right away, you can use Sections tab on Profile menu, which is located on the right side of the report.

What can you expect to find in the report?

You will know what the report will include when you will be selecting it as most of the time that information is available. Reports come from Intelius databases where billions of records are kept and updated all the time. The company receives these reports from public and commercial sources that together make up a very wide-reaching and comprehensive collection of information, offering you the best results. Because of this wide scope, it is hard to predict what exact information will be on your report; Intelius can only estimate it before conducting your ordered search.

This is what you can generally expect on most reports:

People Search

  • Full name
  • Age and birth date
  • Address of residence
  • All phone numbers associated with the name
  • Names of relatives
  • Social network handles
  • All email addresses
  • Employment information and education

Public Records

  • All the People Search information
  • Marriage and divorce records and status

Background Check

  • All the People Search information
  • Marriage and divorce records
  • State Criminal check
  • State Civil check
  • Liens
  • Bankruptcies
  • Judgement rulings
  • Lawsuits filed

Reverse Phone number search

  • The name of the number owner
  • Age
  • Physical address
  • Historical locations
  • Associated relatives
  • Phone carrier information

Reverse address search

  • Owner and his information
  • The value of the dwelling
  • Contact information
  • Names of current and previous residents
  • Area sex offenders list
  • Satellite and street view
  • Neighborhood data
  • The history of sales
  • Information about neighbors

Can a one-time report be purchased?

Yes, Intelius offers various reports based on what your area of interest is and what kind of information you are looking for. Most popular type of report is Intelius Premier Plus 7-Day Access Plan. With this pass you can conduct unlimited searches based on phone numbers or names and also get a Background Check voucher.

If you decide to keep this report for more than 7 days, it will be automatically converted to a monthly Intelius Premier membership, so don’t forget to cancel it before 7 days are up. If you will do that in time you will only be billed a fee of $7.95 one time for the report.

There are also A La Carte reports available from Intelius if you want to forgo the 7-Day Access Pass. You can purchase a one-time 2-for-1 phone number and address reports.
There is one thing though – address A La Carte reports are available only to existing customers who have made such purchases before and did not enroll into a membership.
All other reports generated will include Intelius Premier 7-Day Access Pass with purchase.


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Intelius and FAQs

What is Intelius?

Intelius, Inc. is a company that collects and maintains public records, used to generate reports upon user request. It is located in Seattle, Washington. Customers use Intelius for all kinds of information services, including search about people and real estate, phone number look up and background checks for private customers and businesses. Clients can find information about owners based on property address. Intelius is very useful for tracking services and fraud detection. It can easily identify a person of interest and help you find as much information as possible anonymously, which is very important in today’s world when so many activities are hard to track and can easily be suspicious and malicious, including those unwanted phone calls.

What kinds of memberships are offered by Intelius?

Intelius Premier is a paid membership subscription service where you will get unlimited search that can be done based on name, phone number, email address, or physical address. The results are sent to you and are displayed in a file format, making it easy to use and save.

Another paid service is Criminal Checks, which is also unlimited and now comes with 50% off discount.

To subscribe you can visit Premier page on and sign up for a trial membership with a report purchase. You can also do that by accepting an offer that will come after purchasing the report.

Is there a monthly subscription service?

Yes, the monthly subscription service is called Intelius Premier, with the help of which you can conduct unlimited searches and view reports. This service requires membership commitment, but gives you the most accurate results that are yours to keep.

What is the best way to view the reports?

Once you purchase your first report, you will get it sent to your computer. All the found information is written concisely on one page and separated by sections, enabling you to scroll down and clearly understand the findings. If you want to access a particular section right away, you can use Sections tab on Profile menu, which is located on the right side of the report.

What can you expect to find in the report?

You will know what the report will include when you will be selecting it as most of the time that information is available. Reports come from Intelius databases where billions of records are kept and updated all the time. The company receives these reports from public and commercial sources that together make up a very wide-reaching and comprehensive collection of information, offering you the best results. Because of this wide scope, it is hard to predict what exact information will be on your report; Intelius can only estimate it before conducting your ordered search.

This is what you can generally expect on most reports:

People Search

  • Full name
  • Age and birth date
  • Address of residence
  • All phone numbers associated with the name
  • Names of relatives
  • Social network handles
  • All email addresses
  • Employment information and education

Public Records

  • All the People Search information
  • Marriage and divorce records and status

Background Check

  • All the People Search information
  • Marriage and divorce records
  • State Criminal check
  • State Civil check
  • Liens
  • Bankruptcies
  • Judgement rulings
  • Lawsuits filed

Reverse Phone number search

  • The name of the number owner
  • Age
  • Physical address
  • Historical locations
  • Associated relatives
  • Phone carrier information

Reverse address search

  • Owner and his information
  • The value of the dwelling
  • Contact information
  • Names of current and previous residents
  • Area sex offenders list
  • Satellite and street view
  • Neighborhood data
  • The history of sales
  • Information about neighbors

Can a one-time report be purchased?

Yes, Intelius offers various reports based on what your area of interest is and what kind of information you are looking for. Most popular type of report is Intelius Premier Plus 7-Day Access Plan. With this pass you can conduct unlimited searches based on phone numbers or names and also get a Background Check voucher.

If you decide to keep this report for more than 7 days, it will be automatically converted to a monthly Intelius Premier membership, so don’t forget to cancel it before 7 days are up. If you will do that in time you will only be billed a fee of $7.95 one time for the report.

There are also A La Carte reports available from Intelius if you want to forgo the 7-Day Access Pass. You can purchase a one-time 2-for-1 phone number and address reports.
There is one thing though – address A La Carte reports are available only to existing customers who have made such purchases before and did not enroll into a membership.
All other reports generated will include Intelius Premier 7-Day Access Pass with purchase.


Intelius Services and Review

Intelius is a paid service for personal and background checks. It is well known and trusted for years by thousands of users. It has a few different plans for potential customers: people search report, people search plus single report, people and background check report, and monthly subscription.

Reports that customers receive are detailed and complete, they are flexible and meet individual needs, and monthly subscriptions offer more searches for those that might need them. One downside is that copies of reports are not downloadable for keeping.

Intelius is a very reputable company and has been around for a while, during which time it worked out a customer friendly system for obtaining best results. This is what you can expect from each type of report:

People Search

  • A person’s in question full last and first name and all other aliases ever used by that person, his or her age, and when he or she was born.
  • Current address, phone number, and all other previous addresses and phone number ever used.
  • Data available about relatives.

People search Plus

  • The same information as from People Search plan
  • Social media sites used and other accounts
  • Email addresses associated with that person
  • His or her education data and employment history

Background Check

  • The same info as in People Search Plus
  • Criminal records, arrests, and court cases
  • Marriage status, current and past
  • Judge rulings, all lawsuits, outstanding liens, and financial information

Unlike many similar businesses, the company offers unlimited searches with paid membership. You can also pay per report if just a few are needed. The pricing and the benefits elevate Intelius above its competitors. Reports received are mostly correct, complete, and easy to understand.

General info about people is correct and up to date in most Intelius reports. Names, addresses, phone numbers, age, and email addresses are usually correct. Some sections about more in depth data can come back sparsely populated, but a lot of that depends on states’ records and how well they are kept. Background checks by Intelius routinely reports businesses owned and assets possessed by people of interest. Monetary value is also often assigned to those assets, so customers get a whole picture.

Some other places of inconsistency with Intelius are marriages and addresses. It’s not uncommon to not receive marital status and get many wrong addresses alongside correct ones. It is often evident that the background check fails to find addresses that a person lives at for less than 6 months. Social media account is also hit or miss.


The pricing is simple and straight forward:

  • People search report – $3.95
  • People search plus – $6.95
  • Background check – $39.95
  • Monthly subscription – $19.95

Don’t forget that neither plan will let you download the report for saving, but they will remain in your Intelius account.

The search process with Intelius is very simple. You can specify details about a person of interest and Intelius will find him or her no matter how common the name is. Middle name and city can be added to generate more accurate results. Reverse searches are also possible. Criminal record search usually produces complete reports for background checks.

Something should always be kept in mind with any background check service – results are not always accurate, real time, complete, or even available. All the information comes from public records, but not all states have them in computers and periodically updated. There might be mistakes or some records can get associated with a wrong name. If information comes from non-governmental institutions, it can be wrong and unreliable.

Finally, Intelius and similar businesses are not FCRA compliant and should never be used for determining if a person is eligible for employment, insurance, credit, property renting or buying, and other important services.